Sunday, November 30, 2003
New Layout!!
I'm too bored to do a thing.
*sigh* i'll post later....
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Eiffel.. I'm in love..
Mau nonton dong.. ada yang mau nemenin???
Sammy mau nemenin gak yah??
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What's the definition of your name?? use this alphabet to find out!!!!
here's with mine...
O You are very open-minded.
E You are a very exciting person.
N You like to work, but you always want a break.
Is that true?? try yours!!!
The alphabet
A You can be very quiet when you have something on your mind.
B You are always cautious when it comes to meeting new people.
C You definitely have a partier side in you, dont be shy to show it.
D You have trouble trusting people.
E You are a very exciting person.
F Everyone loves you.
G You have excellent ways of viewing people.
H You are not judgemental.
I You are always smiling & making others smile.
J Jealousy.
K You like to try new things.
L Love is something you deeply believe in.
M Success comes easily to you.
N You like to work, but you always want a break.
O You are very open-minded.
P You are very friendly and understanding.
Q You are a hypocrite.
R You are a social butterfly.
S You are very broad-minded.
T You have an attitude, a big one.
U You feel like you have to equal up to people's standards.
V You have a very good physical and looks.
W You like your privacy .
X You never let people tell you what to do .
Y You cause a lot of trouble.
Z You're always fighting with someone
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Saturday, November 29, 2003
somebody stop me keep sigh`ing.....
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What a day...
Here comes another wu liao story... it's not like i'm having a blogstipation or what but i'm just too lazy to do anything!!! Yesterday.. i almost jumped out from my emotion when my grandma said dat she wanna sleep in my room with me!!! OH WHAT DA!!@$@$^$%*%^% ok no reason i guess.. i just too lazy!!!!! LAZYYY LAZZZYYYY HELLLA LAZZZY!!!!!! garrrrghhh!!!!
TOday..... this morning.., dat should be a nice time to take a deep nap..... my mom came into my room and asking whether i wanna go with her or not... DEPO BANGUNAN!!!!!! oh ok deeeeeeeehhhhh i refused to go with her until my gram said LATER MY NIECE AND NEPHEW ARE GONNA COME HERE AND BLA BLA BLA BLA.. hel-lo? this house have no maid at all and you're asking your guest come into our house?? ok i'm not gonna serve them with MY STOOPID smile and etc... etc.. so i changed my mind rapidly and decided to go with my mom (and my dad-my bros)..... guess what? i even dont have too many times to just take a bath!! so i take a quick-bath (mandi bebeQ) and hop in the car!!!!
Here we come.. DEPO BANGUNAN... it's gonna be a really really bored evening, that's what i thought... but HEY.. GOD HEAR MY PRAYER!!!!!! the DEPO's closed and yippeee yayyy we're going to a mall.... well it's not a big and good one, but at least it's a MALL.. so i can find something to grab and eat....... and.. GOD HEARS ME AGAIN!!! I found a cool black sandal.. and it's hella-cheap!!! Rp.70.000,- only!!! huhuhu... what a day.. hohohoho
Hey... i wander what's all my friends doing @ the retreat??? uuuhhh i really2 wanna goo... i really2 wanna goooo!!!!!!!! well too bad, i can't.... but i really2 wanna have a retreat before this year ends........... ends?? WOOHOO... it's almost December 'eh?????? so it's gonna be Cika's bday.. Melissa's bday.. Vanessa's bday.. Ko Alf's bday.. Jane's bday.. Venda's bday.. Miko's bday.. Jona's bday.. Dae's bday.. and Tika's bday... mom's day.. and Christmas dayyy!!!! oh yah.. ku mon's bday.... whose else?? hmm.... gotta see my lists, i guess... oh yah.. ngkim Yaya juga!!!!! well let's see how broke im gonna be this month.................................................................
let's sing.....
money money money.. it's what we need......
- U FM~ 94.6FM~Every Tuesday 7-9PM J-POP (the announcer's able to speak nihongo!!!)
- Prambors~Every Saturday 7-8PM J-POP
- AADC serial~ start 9 Desember 2003~RCTI 8PM (gantiin cewekku jutek?)
i'm so down into Marcell`s CD... it's killing me softly!!!!!!!!!!!! GAAAARRGGGGGHHH and the last song "Firasat" really CHOP ME TO THE BONE!!!!!! *knocking myown head to my computer desk* oooo i loooooovvveee marccccceeellllll i'm in loooovvvvvveeee wiiiiithh hissss voooiccccccccccccceeeeeeeee aaaaandddddd whhhyyyyy heeee hassssss tooo beeee soooooooo cuuuuteeeeeeee???!!#$^%&^$%*^&
signing off by now.. i have to get up early tomorrow morning..... bye.. jya, ne!!~
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Another silly quiz...
<11PM paling telat kali yah.. >
< Avril.. Marcell.. Tomoya Nagase.. >
< Freaky Friday >
< Sex n the city, Friends, buffy>
< My crush dong!! hahaha j/k i guess with my bestfren..>
< ada yg bisa ga???>
< JC.. avril.. >
< ada deh.. >
< jap food n strawberry >
< volvo item n opel blazer.. if smwan want to buy me jags, i would be delightfully happy>
< acid jazz, pop >
< not honest, jaim eheks, unfaithfull, hypocrit>
< white rose>
< sampe sekeluarga gw siap jalan2 rame2 huhuhu n spend it together! >
< lite brown>
< baru 2... but it will be 3.. >
< none.. mineral water, plz >
< susu strawberryyyyy>
< makan2 sama keluarga kayanya..>
< gambar karikatur buat ngkim yaya>
< NOPE >
< kumpulan cerpen BOBO hahaha punya cika>
< uler tangga kayanya >
< jap food n strawberry.. eh apa aja siy.. semua masuk k perut! >
< marcell's voice!!! >
< being left behind by someone i loved n being all alone.. >
< WHAT?!?!!!! udah pagi??? 5 more mins plz....>
< sushi bar hohoho>
"IF I HAD A LOT OF MONEY............... "
< nope >
< COOL >
"IF I HAD THE TIME,...................."
< i'll repeat n repeat the best time of mine...>
< brocolli.. >
< blonde!!!!>
< nothin..>
Crazy but it's true... i'm filling some silly quizzie AGAIN!!!!! well i wanna take some quiz from n i'm gonna put the result here!!!
![My inner child is ten years old today](
My inner child is ten years old!
The adult world is pretty irrelevant to me. Whether
I'm off on my bicycle (or pony) exploring, lost
in a good book, or giggling with my best
friend, I live in a world apart, one full of
adventure and wonder and other stuff adults
don't understand.
How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla
wakakakaka.. ternyata gw emang masi kecil yah!!! ahahahaha ga heran kelakuan kaya gini.. masi 10 taon siy!! LoL!!~
![Stoner Bear](
Stoner Bear
Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
![you smell like butt](
congratulations. you are the "you smell like
butt" bunny. your brutally honest and
always say whats on your mind.
which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Mwakakakkakaka i like thiiiiissss!! hahahah gw dapet "YOU SMELL LIKE BUTT BUNNY" hahahhahaa.. gilaaaa and mark the word "brutal" hahahaha... oh ok.. this is entertaining!!! NEXTTTTTT.....
![Snow White](
You are Snow White!
What Disney Princess are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
I KNEW IT!!!!! i'm snowwhite... well i think i was going to be MIA THERMOPOLIS from the princess diaries... hoho
MORE MORE MOREEEEEE... (another wu liao nite....)
Your soul is bound to the White Rose: The
"I've been waiting in the dark for a long
time, shining my beacon of hope through the
shadow. If you see me, don't you hide your
eyes from me."
The White Rose is associated with purity, honor,
and chastity. It is governed by the goddess
Artemis and its sign is The Cross, or Agape.
As a White Rose, you are a person of your word.
You may have a strong moral code, but
regardless of your virtue, you always stay true
to yourself. To you, love is the most pure of
emotional forms and it's just a matter of
waiting for it to bless you. Some people may
say you are too idealistic, but it's only
because you don't want to mess things up.
What Rose Is Your Soul Bound To?
brought to you by Quizilla
Hey it's getting clicky.. what i like with my result.. YAY!!!!~
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Friday, November 28, 2003
����Ф�ϡ��ߤ�����cuma testing doang niy bisa ngga pake ini setelah diencoding...
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QuiCk ReVieW
HeY yaH!!~
Here's some quick review bout things i enjoyed lately...
Nakayoshi 3
Yay!! akhirnya yg bener2 gw baca cuma beberapa cerita doang.. yang agak2 eheks kayak TOKYO MEW2 sama UFO BABY dll gak gw baca alias gw skip!! the best masih
Let's get married yang kocak abisss.. huwaaaa gw jg mau dijodoin sama 2 anak kembar ituuu terus akhirnya tinggal milihhh uhh!! mauuuuuuuu!!! terus masih ada
Ultra Cute (in real version: urukyuu) kyaaaaaa i HATE TAMON!! sebal!!! GO AMI!! GO GO!!!~
Let's ask Dr.Lin
OHOMOMO!!!! i liiiikeeeee this manga!!! suka bangetttt!! especially buku ke 2 iniii hohoho dimana ASUKA kissu kissu MEI LIN!! aaaaaaaabbbcccccc (i set myself on hiatus mode and just die for this melancholy) gyaaaaaaaa asukaaa keren kya kya kyaaaaaa asukkaaaaaa kyaaaaa kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!! Tuh kannn!! cw agresif juga disukain sama cowo.. jadi yang namanya selera emang gak ketebak, nee??
Horrible monster
Whoo.. ini seru abis.. gambarnya juga TOP.. gambar orang jepangnya bener2 KENA.. while diantara tokoh2 laennya yang ceritanya BULE JERMAN...... gambarnya bener2 GAK MANGA BENER!!!! n ceritanya juga seru n ga biasa... tapi sebelnya, endingnya bener2 BIKIN PENASARANNNNNN mana bener2 baru keluar ni buku!! eheksss sebel....... waiting for the next episode......................
MaRceLL's CD
The best sih.. track 02~semusim (iya lah)
track 10~firasat...... ADUHHH ADUHH.. n sekali lagi
ADUH!!!! OMG.. ini lagu bener2 aduhhhh.. to tell you the honesty...... i almost cry myself a river!!!!!!!!! i also post the lyric di side bar..... n written by: Dewi'dee'... yang notabene BINI`nya... huwaaa biarpun jealous.. tapi asli lagu ini bener2 bener2 bener222 aduhhh!!! TOP TOP TOPPP *kasi 2,3,4,5,6 jempol dehhhhh!!!!* huwaaaa.. geez.. tanpa sadar.. mungkin i wish him back home too...... huwaaaaaaaa MARCELLLLLLLLL SUARAMU ENAK BETULLLLLLLLLLL!! N WHY YOU HAVE TO BE SO CUTE!!!!!! sebel!!!!!! i feel like i wanna KIDNAP him and cayank cayankkkk.... hohoohooho heuheuhue pokonya gw bener2 langsung JATOH CINTA sama lagu ini dehh pas pertama kali denger lagu ini!!!! Cepat pulangggg.... Cepat kembaliiii..... (ngebayangin scene yg cocok tuh ada cewe nungguin cowonya gitu.. ujan2an.. everyday.. at the same spot.. n terus agak2 yang sephia gitu warnanya.. hummm..... RRRRRooomanticccccccccc eheksss kenapa disaat2 find sth romantic tapi gwnya ngejomblo hohohhoho.... shoot
Huah..... ini CD udah muter berjuta2 kali deh... hehehehe Marcell's voice gonna kill me somehow.... geez.. i think i should stop it before i'm goin too sakaw............. hohohoho......... duh coba marcell belon kawin..... tak samperin ke rumahne............... if only we can turn back time.. hoho huhuhuhuhu
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New Layoutie.. males nunggu sampe desember... since today juga udah mau akhir november so i publish it today! hohoho perhaps ini lebih gampang dibaca..... oke dehh.. i'll post later...
Jya ne.. enjoyyyy..
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>1) Ur full name? ah udah ada dibawah..
>2) Ur birthday? February 7th
>3) Age? 19
>4) Ur nickname(s)? OeN...
>5) Whats ur fav spot? errrrrr........
>6) Fav food? jap food, strawberry dll dlll dll i eat a lot....
>7) Fav season? winter.. fall..
>8) Fav animal? bunny.. puppy
>9) Fav color? blue~pink~white
>10) Fav car? volvo item........ sama opel blazer....
>11) Fav flower? white roses
>12) Fav show? sex n the city, buffy, friends..
>13) Fav song? banyak...
>14) Fav band/ singer? avriiiiil marcellllll the corrs........ judy n mary.. TOKIO
>15) Fav outfit? tee and 7/8 jeans........ ato celana pendek sekalian
>16) Fav sport? smack down.. j/k lol!hehehe i like running
>17) Ambitions/Jobs? smester ini IP bagus
>18) What college? binus..
>19) Idol? JC..
>20) Ur guy/girl? gurl
>21) Burger King or McDonalds? MOS BURGER!
>22) Coke or Sprite? coke
>23) Dogs or cats? dogs
>24) Ghetto or Preppy? preppy...
>25) Fire or water? water...
>26) Friends or family? both
>27) Computer or TV? both
>28) Books or magazines? both
>29) Cities or countries? both kali yah... sebenernya prefer BIG CITIES
>30) White or black? white
>31) Winter or summer?winter
>32) Spring or fall? both
>33) Day or night? night
>34) Pizza or pasta? both
>35) Nelly or 50 cent? none
>36) Britney or Christina? AVRIL RAWKZ
>37) Ur Bro(s) or Sis(s)? Alwin Aris
>38) Pen or pencil? pencil
>39) Oreos or Chips Ahoy? Oreooo
>40) Love or lust? Love
>Who was the last person...
>41) Who was the last person that called you? Irene~Gembul
>42) Who was the last person that sent you an email? Deisy
>43) Who was the last person that wrote you a letter? letter?wah ga inget
>44) Who was the last person you hugged? my cousin
>45) Who was the last person you talked to online? BoQ
>46) Who was the last person you danced with? danced with?? mungkin ola hehehhe
>47) Who was the last person you saw from school?deisy!! kemaren ketemu di Gading
>48) Who was the last person you ate out with? my family
>49) Who was the last person that gave you a present? cika.. a piggy keychain
>50) Who was the last person that you laughed with? my big bro wakakakakkaa
>51) Who was the last person you called? ko James???
>52) Who was the last person you sent an email to? nyam2 gewls
>53) Who was the last person you wrote a letter to? gak ingetttt...
>54) Who was the last person you came to when you had a problem? err... nyam2 gewls.. koko n kakak2ku.. ola...
>55) Who was the last person you wished happy birthday to? sapa yah? kemaren ini ada tapi gw agak2 lupa.. hohoho
>56) Who was the last person you learned from? JC n myself.....
>57) Who was the last person that said 'LyL' or some rendition of it? gak ngerti ah
>58) Who was the last person that you told a secret to? ummm.. i thought i was gonna tell my old bestfren..
>59) Who was the last person you took a picture of? me n ma family
>60) Who was the last person that held your hand? my lil cousin... kalo bukan itu yang dimaksud berarti jawabannya should be my ex-crush..... haha
>Have you ever
>61) Danced naked? yes, in the bathroom
>62) Worn your pjs in public? yes.. why not
>63) Snuck out? gak ngerti
>64) Smoked? ewwww noooo
>65) Ran a mile for fun? nope.. but this's a brilliant idea! hohoho
>66) Put on your away message to annoy people? all the time!!
>67) Cheated on hw/test? i was.. tp udah ga mau lagi ah!
>68) Turned the music on your stereo all the way up? no.. kinda buzzing my ear up..
>69) Cried all night because you loved someone? i was....
>70) Stayed up all night? yup
>71) Slept with a teddy bear? yup
>72) Dug a hole and buried something? yup
>73) Ate a whole box of cookies by yourself? uhh yeah
>74) Came to a party uninvited? pernah lah hahahhaha
>75) Sung over the phone? yes
>76) Wrote on a school desk? yes.. gambar2 juga sering
>77) Fell in love at first sight? nope
>78) Talked to yourself online? huah!!!!! no!!!
>79) Called your house when you were home? ga pernah..
>80) Been caught doing something embarrassing? pernah
>81) What is your favorite computer game? the sims
>82) Who is your best friend? banyakkk
>83) If there was only one other person on Earth, who would you want it to be? my soulmate...
>84) Have you ever loved someone so much it made you cry? yes..
>85) What was you're most embarrassing moment? banyak
>86) Do you like the person that sent this to you? gak ada.. lagi2 copy paste...
>87) What time is it? 1.34 PM
>88) Of your friends, who is the funniest? all of them
>89) Of your friends, who is the one you miss the most? dunno
>90) Of your friends, who is the loudest? loudest?? gail n tika!!!
>91) Of your friends, who is the best looking? humm..... sapa yah?? biasa aja tuw...
>92) Of your friends, who would you want to move in with?move in with?? wuahhh sama olaaaaa!!!!
>93) Of your friends, who do you look most like? hm.... semua!!!!!!!!!
>94) Of your friends, who have you talked on the phone longest for? paling lama????????????? sapa yah? semua pernah kali
>95) Of your friends, which is the one you've known the longest? ehmm ola kali yah..... dari kecil dah kenal tapi baru deket sekitar taon lalu lah....
>96) What do you think of this survey? kinda dumb, but whatever lah..
>97) When was your happiest day? humm... setelah dipikir2 kayanya sih pas dapet tounge language....
>98) When was your saddest day? huah..... no comment deh
>99) Of your friends, whos the smartest? not me.that's true
>100) Who do you love? my fam n my frens
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AGAIN!!! Thank you for this hella boring thingy
{x} current mood: bored
{x} current taste: nasi padang tadi pagi
{x} current hair: sebahu, udah ngebebek pula.. with poni didepan..
{x} current annoyance: stupidity around me lately...
{x} current smell: antis fresh clean
{x} current thing you ought to be doing: tidur tidur n tidurrrr
{x} current desktop picture: my kincli stlobeli
{x} current book: nakayoshi n dr.lin
{x} current refreshment: not yet...
{x} current worry: nothing.. n don't get me to it!!!
{x} current crush: hahaha lol may i say "vk"???? well he was..
{x} current favorite celebrity: julia stiles now n forever!
{x} who do you like: gak ada seh sekarang...
{x} who likes you: how could someone likes a shallow n annoying girl like me?
{x} what annoys you: once again.. stupidity around me lately
{x} what do you want to do: now? pengen mandi.. terus tidurrrrrrrrrrrrr
{x} who is one person you never get sick of: hmm depends... krn gw orangnya moody jadi susah dibilang :D
{x} who is one person you would marry tomorrow: i'd like to know anyway....
{x} do you sleep on your back, stomach or side?: back
{x} what would you take if you were stuck on a desert island? a message in a bottle.. or maybe a cute loving caring guy with nice body....... wakakakakkaa
{x} who would you take to that island if you had to take anyone, dead or alive?: semua keluarga n temen2 gw!!
{x} do you like water?: yes..
{x} if your house was on fire and you could only save one thing, what would you save?money.. memorial thingy.. computer.. cell phone.. lemari.. meja.. kasur.. tv.. etc etc..
{x} have you ever said 'i love you' and not meant it?: YES.. n i MEANT IT!!!!!!!! shoot
{x} what is your favorite sesame street character?: elmoooooo
{x} what time is it?: 12.43 PM
{x} what time did you wake up this morning?: 9.30 AM
{x} who would you trade places with for a day?: Richie Rich (blocking their savings and transfered it to my account will be hella nice!)
{x} have you ever been told you look like a celebrity?: yes.. n it sux
{x} finish this sentence. "i wouldn't be caught dead...": coz i'm hella smart!!!! *uh.. mind my bad english*
{x} what is the worst thing that can happen on a date?: over nervously...
{x} would you rather live in the mountains or by the ocean?: mountain
Last time you've...
{x} cried: hahaha last month lah......
{x} bought something: yesterday.. comic bookkkkk n other thingy
{x} gotten sick: last month..
{x} eaten: nasi padang this morning
{x} been kissed: wakakakaak this morning.. my auntie~uncle~n lil cousins kissed me this morning..
{x} felt stupid: last month!!!
{x} wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't: months ago.. hahhaa
{x} talked to an ex: well.. err.. about not so long time ago.... maybe about 2 weeks before today
{x} talked to someone you have a crush on: errrrr........................................................
{x} had a serious talk: months ago.... haha
{x} missed someone: right now..
{x} hugged someone: today.. my lil cousin...
{x} are you center of attention or a wall flower: no
{x} what type of automobile do you drive: none
{x} would you rather be with friends or on a date: i want my date to be my best friend..
{x} do you attend church: yeah.
{x} do you like being around people: yeah i hate to be alone...
{x} who is your role model: errrrrr... sapa yahhhhhhhhhh
{x} have you ever liked someone you had no chance with? yes...
{x} have you ever cried over the opposite sex: yes!!!!!
{x} have you ever lied to your best friend: well sebisa mungkin sih enggak.. tapi pernah lah pastinya
{x} ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you: yeah yeah yeah can i can i can i??
{x} rather have a relationship or a "hookup": relationship lah..
{x} want someone you don't have right now: i was......
{x} ever liked your best girl/guy friend: YES!
{x} do you want to get married: yes.. sure.. definitely!!
{x} do you want kids: yeah...
{x} what is your favorite part of your physical appearance: my lite brownie eyes.... my "anak smp" face kali yah???
{x} what is your favorite part of your emotional being: cuekkk bebekkkkk n volcano-girl like...
{x} are you happy with your life: well.. sort of......
{x} if you could change something in your life right now, what would it be: nothing..... i like mylife rite now..... eventhough it sux sumtimes.................................. *sigh*
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Another dumb and dumber quizzie..
1. Full name: Alberta Lauren Sudja
2. Nicknames: OeN.......
3. Eyes: light brownie
4. Height: 158cms
5. Hair: black
6. Siblings: 2 bros (big n lil)
7. Do u like to sing in the shower? yes
8. Do u like to sing? yeees
9. Birthmonth: February
10. Sign: aquarius
11. Address: ada deeehhhh!! yg pasti jakarta oh jakarta
12. Sex: female
13. Righty or Lefty: Righty
14. What do you want in a relationship most? ppl said "ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE" ... faithfullnes??
15. Have you ever cheated? Never ever
16. Marital status: single.. (hear me roar loud n proud)
17. Do you have a car? nah
19. Movie: 10 things i hate about you!!!
20. Song: hmm apa aja yg enak.... sekarang siy MARCELL FOREVER!!
22. TV Show: friends.. buffy.. sex n the city...
23. Actor: err... adam sandler kali yah.........
24. Actress: julia stiles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
25. Food: sushi~sashimi strawberry nyum2 aduh kalo fave food banyak bnerrrr...
26.Number: 7
27. Cartoon: walah.. banyak niy.. esp. japanese anime
28. Disney Character: donald duck?? bawelnya sama siy...
29. Color: bleuuuu~pinkyyy~white
30. Do you plan on having kids? sureeeee
33. How old do you wanna be when you are married? err.. 25 maybe.....
34. Would you have kids before marriage? NO.... gila kali!!
35. Do u have a b/f or g/f?: Nah.. jomblo kembang niy.... (loud n proud.. AGAIN)
37. Do you have a crush: i did.. now gak ada...
38. Music/TV: BOTH!
39. Guys/Girls: errr... maksudneeeee??
40. Green/Blue: Blue
41. Pink/Purple: pinkuuu
42. Summer/winter: winter
43. Night/Day: Night
44. Hangin Out/Chillin: Hanging Out
45. Dopey/Funny: FUNNY!
46. You know I'm around when you hear: err.. well i just copy this from sbdy`s blog so i can't answer this question..
47. What school do u go to? binus????
49. What's a major turn on for you? turn me on?? japannnnnn
51. Most blonde: nobody..
52. Nicest: nicest?? everybody seems so nice to me..
53. Funniest: hmm.. all of my fren are all funny
54. Tallest: hmm... paling tinggi????? aduh banyakkkkk n ga gw ukurin satu2 kalee
55. Best personality: all of them are unique... why pick the best?
56. Which 4 people do you trust and are open with the most? nyam2 gewls, koko2ku n kakak2ku....
57. What do you think of soul mates? iya dongggggg
58. Is it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf? Nah that's mean...
59. What was the last thing you cried over or got tears from? hahaha my ex-crush hahahaha shoot
60. What's something about guys/girls you don't get? why ppl always judge sth from sbd's cover...
61. Why? Judgemental!
62. What's an object you can't live without? my wallet..... my pencil case n my sketch book!
63. love or lust: Love
64. Silver or gold: Silver
62. Diamond or pearl: Diamond
63. Sunset or sunrise: both of them.. but i prefer sunset.. it's hard for me to wake up early hohoho
64. Have you ever gone skinny-dipping?: uh no.
65 Do you sleep with stuffed animals: no......
66. Do you have any piercings: Nah
68. What song are u listening to right now? none..
69. What's the last 4 digits of your phone number: 7160
70. Where would you want to go on your honeymoon? Japan and italy
71. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? oh ok..... this question freeeeekin me out! don't get it this early..
72. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex: err.. rohani`nya.. dalemnya.. n some physical attraction..
73. Favorite sport? lariiiiiiiiiiiiii
74. What makes you happy? being loved... n see sbd i love happy..
75. What's the next cd/s you're gonna get? ooo.. i think it's gonna be judy n mary the best.. or maybe TOKIO~glider.. since i've got the Marcell's huhuhuhu
76. Do u wear contacts or glasses? No
77. What's the best advice given to you? when it's over, let it go and come tomorrow it will seem so yesterday..
78. Have you ever won any special awards? Nah
79. What are your future goals? smester ini IP`nya bagus,...
80. Worst sickness u ever had? sakit hati huhuhuh kidding.. diare gak kelar2 awal taon ini.. eheks
81. Do you like Funny or Scary movies? BOTH!
82. On the phone or in person? Person
83. Hugs or kisses? like both i guess.. hehhehe tapi kisses buat special person dong..
85. If you died tomorrow who would you leave everything you own to? My family lah.. OH WHAT KINDA QUESTION IS THIS??
86. Do u have any enemies? gak sih.. tp pasti ada yg bete berat sama gw... huks
88. Would you rather be rich or famous? Rich aja kali yah.. famous bikin ribet
89. What time is it now? 12.30 PM
90. Have you ever been in love? yes...
91. Have you met Santa? Yeah.. the fake one..
92. If E.T. knocked on your door holding up a peace sign and asked you
to use your phone, what would u do? err... have no clue..
93. When did you last talk to the person that you like? hmm...... i like nobody ritenow...
94. Do u have any pets? no.. BUT I WANT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
96. Last time you were really depressed: about last month.. lol....
97. Are you an alcoholic? No
98. Who sent this to you? nobody...
99. What do you think of this person: ???? nothing
100. Do you want your friends to write back? write what??? ok mind these 3 last question k?
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Thursday, November 27, 2003
I'm so exciteeedddddd yippe yayyy!!!!! ya all know sth?? my dearest aunty purchased me dat CD!!!! yESSSSSSSS THAT ONEEEE!!!!!!! it's MARCELL's CD!!!!!! ooohhh i delightfully jumpin jumpinnnnnn now!!! tralalalalaaa hehehehee syeneng beneeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr.. haven't i said...
hohohohoho.. oh yah kemaren ke PI...... setelah kita mau ke darmawangsa eeh tutup aja dulu!! terus akhirnya kita mammmmm n pulangnya ke CL untuk blanja blanji tahap 2..... terusss malemnya mam KWETIAW BUN huhuyyyyyy terus akhirnya makan berdua sama mothy... n dibantuin juga sama kezia.. my lil cousin.. hehehhehe
udah ah.. mau siap2 mau pegi lagi niy.. kan buku kenangan KEP juga udah dipegang sama ko James.. huhuhuhuyyyyy aseeekkkkkkkkk this is life..... cest la vie................ YAYYYYYY YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
gotta go now.... jya ne? GBU ALL..
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Monday, November 24, 2003
Well here i am again in front of my computer typing some entry for this lousy blog... finding my nose stuck and i got a real headache.. and MAN!!! it sux!!!!!!!!! i think i'm gonna flu.... NOOOOOO I DONT WANTTT!!!!!!!!! huuukk hukkkkkk besok mau buat layout baru for december!!! just wait n see.....
ACHOOOOOo!!! OH JESUS CHRIST HELP ME.... aduh.. i need a rest neh... huuuu kalo lagi gini enaknya ada yg ngurusin... like
"aduuh.. minum obat dong.. abis gitu langsung istirahat!!!" hHAhhahaa LOL!!!!~ gila hari gini ngomongin PENGEN.. sinting!!!! setelah ngomong sama Dhieta this afternoon... humm.. ternyata pandangan gw tentang cowo adalah
THEY ALL THE SAME BO!! mereka punya the same habit.. cuma beda kadarnya aja.. well jadi inget temen gw pernah bilang gini,
"COWO ITU DIDUNIA CUMA ADA 2 TIPE... BANGSAT SAMA HOMO.. WELL ELU MAU PILIH YANG MANA????" mwakakakkakaka well, what'dya wanna choose?? silakan pilih.............
Anyway... sebenernya sama aja siy.. cw juga gitu.. ada jeleknya juga... i never say dat girls dont have any bad habit loh!! cw itu jeleknya kalo udah sayang sama satu cowo.. biarpun udah disakitin pasti luluh juga apalagi ni cowo gigih berat.. sekeras2nya seorang cw...... yah contohnya gw.. hohoho sometimes gw pikir DUH SILLY BO!! tapi yah emang cw kaya gini........ huaaaa i hate dat part of girl.. dah gitu cw itu orangnya emotional.. eheks berat yang ini!!!! ada apa2 dikit, maenan FEELING.. tapi yah gimana dong... darisono`nya gituuuuu siyyy.....
WELLLLLLL PANDANGAN GW DAH MULAI BERBAYANG.. so i guess i gotta go to bed.... gak kuat bo.. besok kudu rapat pula..... *pusing* tee hee.. so i guess see ya all guyz tomorrow!!!!!
aduh barusan liat status temen gw di MSN... eheks bangetttt!!!!!!!!! juz-shoot-me-in-the-head-plz-now-ok-thx!!!!!!!!!! well.. gw baru inget kalo di film2.. santa always gives us what we wrote in our wish paper..... MWAKAKKAKAKAKA i wander if he give what i want!!!!!!!!! this is so devilish you know... not good.. not good..................
bobo ahhhhhh... see ya all.......... mwaks mwakkksss
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Terima kasihhh Tuhaaaaaaann.. kenyang bo!!! tadi abis ke TA bentar.. mau tuker sendal`nya noni... humm... terus sempet liat2 en liat2 クリスマス カード yang CHOO KAWAII YOOO dan MURAH DESU YOOOO.. huraaa... tapi gw jg gak tau kapan bakalan gw tulis or even kirim... hahaha.. mungkin malahan gak jadi ngirim like always...
I like this layout SO BAD but err... legibility`nya ga bagus.... well bentar lagi kan December so i'll change my layout for Xmas hehehhee.....
anyway.... tadi baru ngobrol sama Dita loh... seru abis..... ternyata persoalan dia sama gw SAMA BERAT!! OMG hahehehehe bedanya cuma tipis deh... we're even thought that we've been hurted by A TWIN!! hahahaha LOL!!
WE HAVE 7 TWINS IN THE EARTH BUKANNNNN oh yah jadi inget temen gw.. dia bilang.. dia pernah ke Jepang.. n he saw a little girl.. gede badannya sama bangetttt and she looks like me a lot!! bahkan sampe PANDA matanya juga... bedanya well she's more fashionable than me... n dandanannya japanese streetwear banget!! WOW.... kalo dikasi kesempatan to meet her.. i'll be delightfully willing!!!!!!!! istilah nyokap gw
Oh yahhh wanna say "MET LEBARAN BUAT SEMUA YANG NGERAYAIN..." bagi2 ketupatnya dong... *pletak diri sendiri yg daritadi pikirannya makan melulu* hehehhee.. jalanan sepi booo... sepi bangeeeeet malahannnnnn!!! gw rasa gw bisa tiduran dijalanan kayanya hauehuaehuehuaheu *hiperbola abeh*
Ya sudaaahh hari ini gw tidak PD.... soalnya kita mau makan rame2 sekeluarga... oh yah Keluarga Ngkim Letih udah dateng euy... rame banget ni rumah.. ok dehh i guess i wanna go shower..... n see yaaa!!!!
*masih pengen ngetik2 hehehheheh*
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Welcome sunny day!!
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When you wake up it will seem so yesterday
Ohayo gozaimasu minna san!!! I woke up with so many things up in my head.. including my dream tonight hahahaha PENDADARAN PENGURUS MRD?? kok pake acara tes2an segala hohoho dats ridiculous!! But i like something dare like that.. since my days turn to a hella boring thingy...
Oh ok.. gw sampe lupa cerita tentang kemarennnnn... kan emang di pintu depan itu masih ada yang
CEPLOK teralis doang gitu... terus pas kita lagi pada dimeja makan gitu tiba tiba............................................. *sssiinngggg* ada kucing jalan dengan legeknya melintas gitu aja diruang tamu............ terus...
OeN : woy.. mam!! apaan tuw!!!!
Mama : hah!!! ko usirrrr!! hus hus husss *dengan gaya yang agak hiperbola dikit*
O : ko usirinnnnn!! (bukannya mengambing hitam`kan tapi emang nasib dia paling deket sama tu kucing)
Koko : (dengan gaya sok sok ngejer.. yeehh.. gayanya hiperbola juga.. maklum sekeluarga)
O n M : (jejeritan)
And suddenly tu kucing
PARNO n berlari2an kesana dan kemari.... sampe akhirnya pikiran tolol`nya decided to jump over the window n step out.. (pikirnya bisa) tapi TOENGGGGGGGGG it doesn't even think
JDUKKKKKKKK!!! (pertama kali dia nabrak kaca)
Sang kucing mundur sedikit sambil lari2an parno gitu terus akhirnya balik lagi to THE SAME WINDOW hahahhaaha dan.......
yang laen : (histeris)
m : ihhh kesiann tauuuu!!! malah diketawainnnnnnnn
o n k : (tambah geli n makin ngakak) KYAHAKAKAKKAKAKAKA NGEKKEKEKEKKEEK hikkk HIKKK NGIIKKKK
Well kesian juga sih tu kucing.. tapi akhirnya tu kucing lari2an PARNO (tetep) dan search another WINDOW dan akhirnya....
JDUKKKKKKKKKK!!! (nabrak lagi bo)
yang laen : (histeris) KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa
m : kokooooo itu bukaaaa dong kardusnya#@%#$^$%&*^&(^ (udah ga jelas ngomong apa)
Akhirnya koko dengan sigap`nya buka kardus n akhirnya the cat hop out....
........................................ (sssiinnnggggggg)
OMG.. dat was a
BLAST hahhahahaha kalo kata marcel. "ketika kau datang.. buyarkan jenuhkuuuuu.." dari keadaan yang WU LIAO ABIESSSS jadi bener2 HAUEHUAHUAHUE ria dimeja makan... so silly you know.... gw jamin tu kucing EMOH deh maen kesini lagi... heeiehiheiheiehie....
Yahh.. this morning was fine, i guess...... my feelings ain't tell the same thing anymore... well see ya boi.... soalnya sekarang MA BIGGEST CRUSH IS MARCELL.... yes.. dat marcell.... YES!!! the cute one with a WIFEY beside him!!!! hihihihi duh ganteng sekali orang itu yahhhhh hihhihi sayangnya udah beristri...... kencur......... huh menyebalkan....... hehehhehehe.... ah udah ah.. mau ke TA nih... uhuyyy kali2 sempet belanje hihihhihi mumpung ada sokongan dana hihihihihi *lirik ke engkim yaya* hihihihihi
OH YAH! kemaren malem sempet ke Carefour.. n berangkat`nya udah malem aja duluuuu.... about 9.30 maybe.. terusss kita lansgung menuju atas yang notabene RAME ABIS...... udah gituuuu sempet ngubek2 n akhirnya kata papa "beli telepon buat kamar kamu" UHUYYYYYY akhirnya dapet juga kepercayaan itu dari bokap setelah sekian lama NO PHONE ALLOWED tee hee.. uhuyyyy menyenangkannnnnnn biarpun agak2 basi juga siy.. soalnya setelah ada internet lagi gini pasti ntar tetep banyakan pake internetnya... DITAMBAH LAGI NO GBT!!!! hahahahhaa jadi tenang dad.. u'll never gonna broke becoz of this... hahahhaha...... terus beli apa lagi yah?? gak beli apa apa tuh... abis rame n garing siy..... terus kemaren koko kasi liat es krim paddle pop... oh oke dueeehhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! *tampol bolak balik* tee heeee
AH UDANG AH (kalo kata selvy) mau mandeeeeee duluuuuuuuu.... ditungguin neh mau ke TA.... hmm.. apalagi yah.. gak tau ah... ntar aja lanjot lagi okweyyyyy.. jya ne, minna san!!!!
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Ketika kau menyapa...(Marcell)
di sudut hariku
kau datang hadir sentuh
yang dulu tak pernah
kucari kini menghampiri
sinarilah aku mentari
hangatkan relung-relung jiwaku
dan kini kusadari (oh ...)
kekasih kau tercipta untukku
ketika kau datang
buyarkan jenuhku
senyummu candamu (tawamu)
hangatkan mimpiku
cinta datang tiba-tiba
cinta adalah anugrah yang Kuasa
cinta takkan sia-sia
ketika kau menyapa (ketika kau ada)
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1. WHAT IS YOUR FULL NAME? Alberta Lauren Sudja
3.WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? Vivian Hsu`s Cie Ting ai ni
5. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU ATE? nasgor kare`nya carrefour
6. IF YOU WERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE? army bleu ato baby pink
9.WHAT DO YOU NOTICE ABOUT THE OPPOSITE SEX? Suaranya... fisiknya.... "dalem"nya..
10. DO YOU LIKE THE PERSON WHO SENT YOU THIS? nobody sent me this.. i copied this from someone's blog.. (you can copy this from my blog too....)
12. FAVORITE DRINK? aer putih ato susu stobeli..
13. FAVORITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK? NOT DRINKING ANY ALCOHOL.. cuma bikin alergi aja.... huh
FAVORITE SPORTS? lari lari lari soccer soccer soccerrrrr
HAIR COLOR? item aja
EYE COLOR? coklat muda... tee hee
SIBLINGS AND THEIR AGES? errr... dun understand...
FAVORITE FOOD? strawberry sushiiiiii cheese tiramisuuu errrr semua sukaaa coklaaaattttttttt errr banyakkk
LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? movie eh?? di bioskop seh Freaky Friday... kalo di TV tadi dorama jepun...
FAVORITE DAY OF THE YEAR? fave day???????? errrr someday @ August waktu dapet tounge language.. maybeh.. ^^ ato even wktu the good ol days sama samwan.... eheks
CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA? vanillaaaaa.. kok ga ada pilihan strawberry yahh
DO YOU WANT YOUR FRIENDS TO WRITE BACK? err.. berhubung ini bukan fwd`an.. jadi gak bisa dijawab...
WHO IS MOST LIKELY TO RESPOND? just posting it to my blog..... so who's gonna reply anyway n WHERE??
WHO IS LEAST LIKELY TO RESPOND? bla bla bla blaaaa
LIVING ARRANGEMENTS?with my family .. dirumah barooooooooooooo uhuyyyyy
WHAT BOOKS ARE YOU READING? lagi ga ada niy.. kemaren baru kelarin novel tebel in 2 days aja...
FAVORITE BOARD GAME? uler tangga kali yah
WHAT DID YOU DO LAST NIGHT? isi isi blog sampe begoooooo
FAVORITE SMELLS? serene by oriflame.. white musk by bodyshop.. makanan.. makanan.. makanannnn nyummie
CAN YOU TOUCH YOUR NOSE WITH YOUR TONGUE? gak bisa.... lidah gw kurang panjangggg
FAVORITE CAR? VOLVO ITEMMM ato OPEL BLAZER.. gak tau kenapa tp suka aja.... kalo dikasi jaguar ga nolak.. hehhee
HOW MANY KEYS ON YOUR KEY RING? belon ada niy.. dulu si cuma 2.. konci rumah n pager.. sekarang sih nambah konci kamar...
Seleseeeeeeeeee dehhhh ehhehhee duh boring berattt eh...... besok mau mosting2 marcell hohohohoho...... tadi baru dapet fotonya yang EHUEKS NYEK NYEKKKKK OMG!!!!!!! hehehhe later yah.. ngko gw mau pake kmputer niy... kecian udah nungguin hohohoho... well guysss see ya tomorrooooowwww....
ngantookkkkkkkk huk hukkkkk
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Sunday, November 23, 2003
Nothing to post... pusing deh.. huuaaaa pengen jduk2 pala...........
mungkin ini my shortest entry EVER!!! hahaha... setelah kemaren gw puas ber-blabbling ria seharian.. sampe bego juga hihihiihihi.. well have a nice long weekend everybody.... well eventhough now's weekend but i've gotta do so many things.. huk hukk...... gotta go nowwww... jya ne!?
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sniff sniff..
oh oke dehhh udah mulai pilekkk!!!! nyekkk nyekkkk aduhh siaga tissue yang banyak dunks..
well tonite i feel a lil bit MELANCHOLY (again)... and..
I ADDED MOOD STATUS BELOW MY CARTOON PIC hohoho i feel a lil bit emotionally... funny eh?? and the sketch looks so crappy!! hahahhaha lol i loooovvvveee that anyway!!
Emotion.. jadi inget lagunya destiny's child.. caught up in sorrow lost in the dreams.. HOAHHHMMM huff it's only MIDNITE n i already yawning!?!! well i guess it's time to take a deep sleep... since my eyes turning to red and PERIH BO..... gimana enggak hari ini gw abisin didepan komputer... hahaha... *jduk jduk diri supaya ga pusing* nyekkk nyekkk...
Dun wanna speak about melancholy thingy.. i just wanna talk about FUN FUN and FUN.. oh yah sodara dari Bandung pada ke Jakarta niy.... apakah itu berarti... SHOPPING TIMEEEE????? *dengan mata berbinar-binar* OH SHOOT i just remembered there's so many things to doooooo bebeeeeeee!!! SHOOT MEEEE JUST SHOOT MEEEEEE!!!!! GAARRRGHHHHH date line`nya AKHIR BULAN OENNNNNN OHHH MAIIII GOOOOOODDDDDD HELP..... well itu bisa dikerjain besok kan hohoho itu artinya PENGOCORAN BULAN INI AKAN BERLANJUTKAH??? ORO kan ada dompet mama.. hohohoho.... OH SHOOT WHAT IF I KEEP PENDING and PENDING THESE "BUKU KENANGAN" THINGS SAMPE AKHIR BULAN N MAMAAAAAA DUN HAVE MUCH TIME TO BAWA KE PERCETAKAN......... arghh.... *jduk jduk*
-Undangan MRD kelarin!!!
-Telepon panitia KEP utk confirm!!!!!
HUff....... nyek nyek it's time to sleeeeep..... mata gw perihnya luarrrrr biasaaaaaa.... *ngelirik kasur yang udah dijajah dd gw huuuuuuuaaaa hiksss hikssss siap berantem n biru2 deh huikksss* well signing off by now... tomorrow i'll post WHAT I REALLY2 WANTS FOR THIS XMAS.. tee hee i got the list already!!!! OK WHAT IF TOMORROW YOU N YOUR FAMILY GOES ANYWHERE SO THAT YOU HAVE NO TIME TO DO YOUR JOB?? well okkkk okkkkkkkk i'll do it tomorrow after i called panitia KEP............ poof.................
geez.. it's holiday, isn't it??
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Saturday, November 22, 2003
Nama jepang apa kau... ERGH.. KOK YOSHIMI?!?!?!?! sounds like SASHIMI or TERIYAKI... ehekssssssss
Yoshimi -
What would your Japanese name be? (female) brought to you by Quizilla
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What Finding Nemo Character are You? i'm....
![You are NEMO!](
What Finding Nemo Character are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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-- Name: OeN
-- Birth date: February 7th 1984
-- Birthplace: jakarta
-- Current Location: Rs. Harapan Kita, Jakarta
-- Eye Color: coklat muda
-- Hair Color: black
-- Height: 158
-- Righty or Lefty: Right
-- Zodiac Sign: Aquarius (who cares anyway? Well i don't care)
-- The shoes you wore today: not wearing any.. cuma pinky strawberry sandals
-- Your weakness: LAPAR MATA!!!!
-- Your fears: being alone.. being left behind..
-- Your perfect pizza: oohh black pepperrrrrrrrr ngidaaaaaammm
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: ip smester ini bagus.. maybehh..
-- Your most overused phrase(s) on MSN: di MSN??? eheks??? or BWHAUHAUHHAHAHA (yea overused lately)
-- Your thoughts first waking up: 5 more mins plz.......
-- Your best physical feature: i like my light brown eyes...
-- Your bedtime: whenever, whereever... (kaya lagunya shakira...)
-- Your most missed memory: ga ngerti.....
-- In love? WAS..... (sama manusia) kalo sama JC mah maunya selalu....
-- Smoke: nope
-- Cuss: Puji Tuhan.. udah nggak lagi....
-- Sing: dimanapun gw suka n lagu apapun yg gw mau heueheue alwaysssss
-- Take a shower everyday: iya lah...
-- Have a crush: saat ini.. NAH..
-- Do you think you've been in love: yes.. i was.....
-- Want to go to college: i'm in university rite now..
-- Like(d) high school: yessss.... wanna go back sometimes
-- Believe in yourself: kadang2
-- Get motion sickness: gak tuh..
-- Think you're attractive: i couldn't say.. balik lagi kemasalah selera..
-- Think you’re a health freak?: justru agak2 cuek
-- Get along with your parent(s): yep
-- Like thunderstorms: yea! cuaca paling enak buat tidur tp ngga buat jakarta sebenerya heheheh
-- Play an instrument: keyboard.. guitar(dikit)
n the past month...
-- drank alcohol: no...
-- Smoked: no
-- Done a drug: no
-- Had Sex: no
-- Made Out: no
-- Gone on a date: no (kecuali ditanya past month
-- Gone to the mall?: yep
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no
-- Eaten sushi: no
-- Been on stage: yesssss
-- Been dumped: no (kecuali ditanya past month
S well sebenernya bukan di dumped sih.. tp being forgotten)
-- Gone skating: no
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: no
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: no
-- been caught "doing something": no
-- Been called a tease: No
-- Got beaten up: No
-- Shoplifted: no
-- Changed who you were to fit in: well.. yes...
-- Age you hope to be married: maunya sih 25-an.. tp terserah JC aja...
-- Numbers and Names of Children: maunya sih 2.. ato paling banyak 3 lah.. maybe Marcell and Avril.. humm..
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: yang simple n romantic
-- How do you want to die: hmm mati tenang kali yah yang enak..... ato yang quick sekalian supaya ga berasa... hiyy.. dun wanna talk about this ahhhhh
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: Graphic designer dong!!!! ato kepengen jadi mangaka.. huhuhuhu yg jelas pengen jadi a COOL mom 4 my kids.... ( a cool wifey too)
In the opposite sex
-- Best eye color? don't care
-- Best hair color?: don't care
-- Short or long hair: prefer yg rapi n pendek..
-- Height: hmm lebi tinggi dari gw jauh.. memperbaiki keturunan... hohoho
-- Best weight: hmm.... yang sewajarnya aja kali...
-- Best first date location: hmm.... BIOSKOP??
-- Best first kiss location: hmm.. wahhh.. no commenttt hahhahaa
-- # of drugs taken illegaly: 0
-- # of people I could trust with my life: hmm 1.. myself....... (n JC tentunya)
-- # of CDs that I own: BANYAKKKKK mau yang bajakan ato yg asli nih hahahhaa
-- # of tattoos: 0
-- # of scars on my body: wah susah juga tuh ngitungnya
-- # of birthmarks: 0
-- # of things in my past that i regret: HAHAHA BANYAK!!!!!
wanna put these surveys?? just copy n paste it to your web!! and 1 thing i wanna do now is... FIND ANOTHER SURVEYS!!
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Oh yah this is the lyrics i want to post....
Semusim : by Marcell
Semuanya tlah terjadi
Cintaku telah pergi
Dan kini kusendiri
Tanpa dirimu lagi
Tak mudah menepis cinta indah
Semusim tlah kulalui
Tlah kulewati
Tanpa dirimu
Tetapi bayang wajahmu
Masih tersimpan dihati
Tak pernah kubayangkan
Kau putuskan cintaku
Kucoba tuk lupakan
Semua tentang dirimu
Tak mudah bagiku melupakanmu
I LIKE THIS SONG SOOO MUCHHHH... CUP CUP MWAKSSS MARCELLLLL (asli).. OMG ketulah Marcell beneran nih..... jadi cinte bo sama marcell heiehheuheuehuee gara2 Marcell palsu heuheuhuehueue OK SKIP THIS TOPIC.. maaf yah saya jadi basi beginiiiii isi blognya cuma quiz quiz n quiz.. duh lagi blogstipation nih...... wu liao abehhh.... well ok deh.. lanjut lagi tar malem... oh yah sodara2 dari bandung dateng today!!! sekarang mereka lagi di TA sih.. hehehehe well happy holiday everybody!! enjoyyyy...
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What color are you?? i got my fave color!!!!!
You give your love and friendship unconditionaly. You enjoy long, thoughtful conversations rich in philosophy and spirituality. You are very loyal and intuitive.
Find out your color at Quiz Me!
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1. My desktop shows: kincli gendut stobeyi`ku...
2. Book I'm reading: ga ada nih.. palingan komik kali..
3. On my mouse pad: not using that...
4. Favorite board game: uler tangga kali yah..
5. Favorite magazine: Animonster........ Wink up.... Cosmogirl..
6. Favorite smell: minyak telon n bedak cuddle!!!!
7. Least favorite smell: pepaya.. (sorry yah evyyy....)
8. Worst feeling in the world: hungry and broken hea'......
9. Favorite sound: suaranya Marcell?? haoaheuaeha
10. First thing I think of when I wake up in the morning: LAST NITE WASSS........ SO YESTERDAYYYY...... *sigh*
11. Rings before I answer the phone: HOREEEE AKHIRNYA ADA TLP JUGA DIATASSSSSS!!!
12. Favorite color: bleu-whitey-pinky
13. Do I like my name?: Yes.. i'm dying for it..
14. I was named after: my mom fell in love with the name "OEN"
15. Favorite food: apa aja dimakan kecuali yang berbau busuk n rasanya aneh..... tapi yang fave sih japanese food..
16. Do I drive fast?: gak lah... nabrak iyaaa!!
17. Chocolate or vanilla?: vanilla... err.. kenapa pilihan strawberry gak ada yah??
18. Worst disaster I fear: almost die at BALI couple of years ago.. lol
19. Storms, cool or scary?: cool..
20. My first car: ga ada.. tapi gw ingin sekali punya black volvo hohoho
21. Dead or alive, I would like to meet: orang yg gw sayangin.. ma family.. ma frenz...
22. Zodiac sign: Aquarius.. tukang aer..
23. Favorite drink: Strawberry milk!! aer putih... pocari sweat.. es teh manis?? cuma serebu... hihihi
24. Favorite vegetable: err.. suka semuanya.....
25. If I could have any job, it would be: a graphic designer!!!!! or a mangaka...
26. Hair, long or short: shortie..
27. Times I've been in love: banyak!
28. Glass, half-empty or half-full: half empty??
29. Do I type with my fingers over the right keys: errr... apa ini????? gak ngerti
30. Favorite movie: 10 things i hate about you...
31. What's under my bed?: apa yah.. gak ada apa2..
32. Lucky number: 7
33. Favorite sport to watch: gak ada....
34. PC or Mac: MAC LAH!!!! tapi okane ga arimasen.. jadi PC aja.... huk hukk
35. On my nightstand: eeeh???
36. Pillows on my bed: 4.. 2 bantal kpala.. 2 bantal guilng..
37. In case of fire, I'll take: Holy bible duit hape komputer (sempet???)....... mungkin barang2 full of memory..
38. I admire: AVRIL!!!! n Marcell kali yah.......
39. Best thing ever invented: ehhhhhh!!?? gak tau deh..
40. Most influential person: JC..
41. Favorite place(s): my old room.. perhaps my new one will be as cozy as my old one..
42. Do I say my prayers?: sure.. day n nite.. :D
43. Minutes I spend in the shower: antara 10 sampe 20 mins deh..
44. Most prized possession: oh gimme MAC OS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
45. My best asset: myself...
46. Jewelry I wear: gak pake sama sekali..
47. Coke or Pepsi: sama aja..
48. What I had for breakfast: OH.. i want dat lux breakfast at melia bali.....
49. Favorite time of the year: the gut ol days with someone..
50. If I were a cartoon character, I would be: Miiko-chan....
Another one: hmm.. mungkin chibi maruko chan???? ato tanpopo (imadoki)
[Slept in your bed] me n ma lil bro... now my big bro's sleeping in ma bed..
[Saw you cry]my big bro..
[Made you cry] someone in ma past..
[Spent the night at your house] my family n i..
[You went to the mall with] my big bro ola n alis
[Yelled at you] nobody... mungkin yg ada kebalikannya!! lol
[Sent you an email] ko Yesa
[Said they were going to kill you] nobody.. justru kebalikannya!!!! hahhahaa
[Said "I love you" and meant it? ] sure.. n
i meant it
[Been to New York?] nah
[Been to Florida?] nah
[California?] nah
[Hawaii?] nah
[Mexico?] nah
[China?] nah
[Canada?] nah
[Danced naked?] well in the bathroom.. yes...
[Dreamed something really crazy and then it happens the next day?] yeaaaa
[Stalked someone?] NO!!!
[Had a mud bath?] eww.. no..
[Wished you were the opposite sex?] yeah..
[Had an imaginary friend?] no
[Math or English?] english..
[What are you going to do after you finish this survey?]find another survey..
[What was the last food you ate?] Mc' D!!!
[Are you bored?] nope.. agak siy..
[How many buddies are on?] banyak.. tp gw set away hohoho
[Last noise you heard?] my big bro yelled at my lil bro..
Huff.... find another survey?? i guess....
oen has left the building |
Friday, November 21, 2003
lupa lupa lupa lupaaaa bodoh bodoh bodoh bodohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
huk hukk
well akhirnya this melancholy nite lewat jg...... setelah GOD sent His miracle..... HA! guess wot.. well every you know about this...... don't ya???????? oh oke dehhhhhhhhhh... walopun agak2 GARINK tapi well... GOD SENT IT ANYWAY... n that would be the precious things i would like to recieve as a HOLIDAY GIFT...... sankyu Daddee... love ya love yaaaaa cup cup cup mwak mwakkk emang sih gak ngarep apa2.. but...... hey it's been like a HELL the day he went away, ya gak?? hahahahaha remember any lousy nite... hahahah bego bener ya gw.................. au ah...
not in tha mood for typing anything.... syalaallalalaa... yg jelas GOD I LOVE YA.. I LOVE THIS WORLD.. I LOVE THIS LIFE YOU GIVE ME!!!!!~
sekali lagi deh.. AIN'T LIFE GRAND?????????????
oen has left the building |
Yoohoo!! new layoutie!!
enjoy it people........
eheks udah pasang lagunya avril tapi nda bisa huikssssss :(
well.. enjoy it anyway.. i'll post my story later... ^^
thanks to and ^^
oen has left the building |
Saturday, November 15, 2003
hmm.. kenapa yah blogger mampus beberapa hari ini?? HUH baru bisa mosting today deh!!!
anyway...... kemaren malem sempet baca renungan..
SENTUHAN HATI n geez... itu bener2 FIT ME banget! gilaaa gw bacanya juga yang... NGEK NGOK gitu deh.. sampe akhirnya gw drown into my own MELANCHOLY... eheks.... pas banget n baru kali ini dapet yang bener2 dari awal sampe akhir bener2 PAS BANGETTTTTTTT........ thanks DADDEE... hehehhee
speaking about melancholy thing... gilaaaaaa gw baru berasaaaa.. kalo didalam diri gw yang agak2 NGEGRUNGE ini ternyata gw masih punya rasa MELANCHOLY yang notabene BESAR SEKALI.... mungkin disaat2 gw bareng2 sama temen2 gw gak berasa kayak gitu..dan mungkin semua orang bisa bilang
OMG OEN YOU'RE SO SANGUIN tapi begitu gw sendirian... noone beside me... gw langsung dehhh jadi
MELAN eheks..... *pasti elu semua yang baca bisa bilang "huahhhh gileeeee gak mungkin bagnet booooo"* but that's so true....... yah khususnya akhir2 ini sih... krn problem gw itu.... yah suan le.. nanti pada melancholy semua deh...........
eh gw masih NARCIS neh! hehehehe dengerin kaset sampe tolol sama ola kemaren... (olaaaa dah bisa ngeracunin anto belonnn??? hehehehe) jadi pengen nyanyi lagi.. pengen les vokal neh.. biar suaranya beneran kayak nikita hehheheohohoho... pengen terus nyanyi n nyanyi buat JC.......... biarpun katanya "yg penting niatnya" tp kan kalo suara kita bagus n nyanyi total buat Dia, Dia jg pasti syenengnya aujubileeee... hehehehe humm...
CEK JADWAL kali yaaaaaaaaa...
ok de gotta go guys........ wanna post a song but later lah yah.. malesssss niy... ada tugas menunggu buat senen n it's already SABTOOOOO.................... hikssssssssssssssssssss yah sudah dehhh....... jya neeee!
oen has left the building |
a LiL noTe of Nov 13th, 2003:S'bagai persembahan yang hidup.....
Yipeeee.. akhirnya lewat juga hari yang menegangkan buat guaaaaa.. huaaaaaaa.... EMANGNYA ADA APA SIY?? APANYA YANG MENEGANGKAN????? hmm... okkkkk begini kronologisnyaaaa...
Hari Jumat sore, setelah ujian CB di kampus Anggrek, Binus.. ko enat tlp...
Ko Enat(E) : Oen.. kamu dimanaaaaa?
OeN(o) : Dikampusss abis ujiaaan.. kenapa ko enattttt?
E : iya.. entar latihan yaa! stengah 6 di aula. udah dibilangin kan sama ola?
o : udah..(terus langsung mikir) eh! dibilangin apaaa?
E : lah.. gini...kan kita mau cari dana bla bla.. jadi nyanyi di PD dewasa.. kamu jadi singer ko enat ya?
o : (dengan girangnya) okeeee deeehhhh...
*klik* telepon ditutup
Nahhh.. stengah 6 udah diaula.. tapi yang laennya malahan telat.. *toeng* terus kita latihan deh... (duh pas nunggu tuh BETE SANGAT!! mana lagi sms`an sama Gail n dia bilang dia mau ke TA... dae sama evy juga! huk hukkkkkkkk inginnn jalan jalannnnnn) n setelah latihan.. lagu yang bakalan kita maenin adalahhhh... TIADA SEPERTI-MU`nya GMB.. latihan latihan latihan.. pecah suara segala macem.. yah all things've been set up.. terus yah udah...
Hari Minggu rencananya mau latian lagi.. tapi ternyata rumah ko alf sesek banget coz banyak yang ngantree mau latian.. contohnya singer buat PD hari senen, persembahan kasih buat PD dewasa hari rebo, koor buat acara merit, n juga singer buat telukgong.. so pas kita mau latian.. eeh ola udah keburu pulang.. en anto juga gak dateng... yah udah duet`lah oen dan ko enat.... and that's it persiapan kita.. (PLUS janji palsu GA MAKAN GORENG n MINUM ES.. tapi makan nasgor tetep n minum emang ga pake es tapi dingin! sama aja boong)
HARI H!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sampe di aula.. nontonin yang pada nari.. dasarr gak ada gugup n nervous`nya banget.. haha hehe haha hehe.. sempet ngedandanin cw cw segalaaaaa hehehehe (experimenting action banget hahahaa maap yaaaaaa tapi cakep kannnn) becandaaa melulu.. denger lagu joget dangdut lah.. sempet latian bentar.. nyanyi2 tapi salah2.. sampe buat contekan dijari hahahaha gokiiiillll n the NERVOUS feelings belon nongol juga! gokil banget kannn!!!!! sampe akhirnya JRENGGGGGG firman udah abis n "AMIN"... gua sama ola langsung lari2an cari ko enat dkk... n... pas duduk.. nunggu ada Altar call sebentar.. tangan mulai dingin n keringet dingin juga udah mulai keluar.. sempet cemek2an tangan sama ola sebentarrr n akhirnya kita dipanggil kedepan untuk maju............... (glek) kita jalan maju pelan2... n I KNEW THAT WE WALKED LIKE A ROBOT!!! I JUST KNEW IT!!! duh gugupnya bikin gemeterannn n asli nonjok abis! dannn ko enat mulai ngomong2 bentar.. n the song begins.. mana MIC-nya BAGUS banget.. kita nyanyi volume 3 doang tapi kedengerannya volume 9!!!! sempet stress berat waktu nyanyi solooo huaaaa (walopun sempet dicela sama jejeran penari "kayak suara anak2" tapi BIG THANX TO VERA yang bilang suara gw kayak NIKITAAAAA horeeeeeeee*bikin ombak sendirian*) tapi yah well.. as we know..... TUHAN MEMANG SANGAT BAIKKKK dimana didepan kita udah garing suaranya n sepi (cuma keyboard doang bo.... THX GOD that He sent FELIX.. yang jago ajeeee).. terus tiba2.. suara BASS`nya maen... n suddenly.. THE DRUMS PLAYIN IT's PART.... huaaaa kereeeennnn n kita juga jadi COMFY n start to GOYANG KANAN KERE.... hehehheehehehe.. when the song ends.. rasanya POOOOFFFFFFF legaa bangeeett!! n kita bisa jalan kebelakang dengan HEPI HEPI HEPI JOY JOY JOY`nya.. *biarpun masi act like a wierdo hehehe* n kita nontonin TARIAN dengan senangnya..
Tariannya.. KEREEEEN!! ga booongggg dehhh!! kompak bangeeet n dibagian yang pas latihan kayanya susah banget kompaknya.. waktu dipanggung OMG.. kompak abis!!!!! Geez!! OUR GOD IS THAT GOOD, AIN'T HE?!?! n lagunya juga OKEE... (i'm listening to it now.. GMB-TEROBSESI KASIHNYA) hmm seneng dehhhh..... it's a FULL JOYGASM for me... THANX LORDDDD..
so.. about the singing part..... alias..
Gak ada yang berminat untuk mengontrakkahhh??????? rasa2nya cukup bagus juga kok........ gak ada nih???? yakin??????
Otanjyoubi Omedetou buat seorang teman...God Bless....
oen has left the building |
Saturday, November 08, 2003
ohhh menghitung haree menuju GO BACK HOME!!!
yippeeeee tinggal sebentar lagiiiii menuju kepindahan BACK TO ANGSANAAAA!! And guess what I’m sooo excited!!!! Truly overjoyed!! Duhh nggak betah disini terussssss.. n tentu saja INGIN KAMAR BARUUUUU!!! * joget joget kanan kiri gak jelas* yippeeee hooraaay!!! Ok let’s this thing happens in about.. 2 weeks? Or less maybe….. yipppppeeeeeeeeee yaaaayyyyy
REVIEW bout what I’ve done today… starts with……
kayanya migren gw kambuh lagi.. n it was sux…. Bangun sambil megangin kepala yang rasa2nya mau pecahhhh… terus kedinginan pula.. HEY IS IT A PRE-FLU SYNDROME????? Mengingat temperatur ac yang sebenernya BIASA AJA tapi gw kedinginan sampe sakit perut.. GEEZ gw baru aja sembuh sakit about minggu lalu!!!!! Or is it a SEQUEL????? WHAT DA $^#$&~!!!!!!!!! * pletak diri sendiri* tidak mauuuu tidak mau kena sequel sakitttttttt!!!!! Yahh.. dah gitu jam 8`an ajo telepon…
Ajo : ceh.. aku dateng kesono yah???/
Oen: hah? NOW????? (#$^#&$%&$!!!??!??! It’s 8 AM anywayyyyy) Jo.. gw lagi tidurrrr……………………………
Ajo : hah masi tidur? Oh yah gpp deh… dah ceh……………
Oen: * taro hape* ZZZzzZZzzzzzZz (and the story goes.. ß judul album agmon)
GOMENNNNNNNEEEEEE AJOOOOOOOO * sembah sembah minta ampun* cece`mu ini memang kebluk sejateeeee………………… I’ll pay it later yah.. maybe pas rapat mudika hhehehehheeheh maapppppppp…………..
Jrengg lagi asik2nya chat sama Tika tiba2 MSN`nya keluar n “you cannot receive or send a message because you are not logged in” AARGHHH #$^@#$@@!! En mau buka webbie satupun gak bisa!!!!!!!!!!!!! * pletak CBN yang biarpun biasanya tokcer tapi tetep aja DIAL UP* MOMMEEEEEHHHHH I WANT MY CABLE CONNECTIONNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Setelah akhirnya gw nyerah.. gw mampusin internet connectionnya… terus gw angkat telepon n terjadilah pembicaraan yang sangat amat seruw seputar HAPE..such as 3660 yang much alike 3650 tapi keypadnya dah biasa lagi.. terus 6600 yang touch screen kah???? Lalu PDA PDA BODOH yang merajai pasaran.. n tetep sukses bikin gw NGILEEEEEERRRR INGIN PDAAAAAA (atau daddy mau beliin IPAC buat oen yang murah ehehhehehehe)lalu PROVIDER HAPE such as: MATRIX- yang bentar lagi bakal dibagiin untuk anak binusssss hehehheeh; M3 yang lumayan oke sekarang, dan MENTARI yang makin lama makin mahal!! Sampe ngomongin hape Venda yang dibuang sayang…… OMIGOD… laen kali kasi gw aja vennnn… hikkk hikkkk entar gw jualll terus gw beliin manggaaaaa berpeti2 10 taonnnnn…… hikssss
Mgyahahhahahahahhhhhh OMIGOD tu cowo asli NORAK ABEEEEESSSS… duh sok ganteng sekaaaaaliiiii (ALI SIHASALE LOOK ALIKE HWAHHAHHAA) dan maap maap kata…… DUHHHH GAK BANGET LOOOH!!!
Ce penggoda: (ngomong sth)
Cowo digoda: yah.. gw sih orangnya asik……..
Uyakuya: dibilang asik ya memang asikkkk.. dibilang enak ya memang enakkkkkk……………
GW : MWAHAHHAHAHAHAA OMIGOD gw dah gak pernah denger tu lagu like a thousand yearrrsssss hahahahaha… dan pas cewenya keluar maki2 gitu cowonya Cuma bisa DIEM SERIBU BAHASAAAAA soalnya asli gombal abissssssss… hahah I just LOOOOVVVEEEEE that kinda people waktu mereka bener2 CAUGHT IN THE ACT… hahahaha.. makanyaaaa maen api siiiiiiiiy….. hehehe inti dari acara ini mungkin “SETIALAH PADA PASANGAN ANDA….” àeheks kedengerannya kok kayak iklan kondom bwehehehheeehehe…. Duh guling2annnnnnnnn… sekali lagi mungkin gw bersyukur kenapa gw jomblo these daysssss……………. YEAHHHHH mungkin gw gak harus punya rasa CURIGATION sama pasangan gw yang notabene pasti gw cintai sekale….. dan gak punya perasaan DIKHIANATI kaya gitu yah…… biarpun kemaren sempet berasa kayak gitu.. hahahahahaha well let’s skip this topic……
Sebenernya ini sih udah gw baca about beberapa minggu lalu pas nakayoshi keluar.. heheh ada beberapa cerita yang gua sukai sekaliiiiii.. soalnya kadar ke OTAKU`annya cocok sama gw…………. Hehehehhe teruss ceritanya juga nggak ‘terlalu tinggi’ n gak biasa juga….. yah cukup wajar untuk dinikmati lah……. Here’s some of it..
Nggak bangeeeeet!!! Ceritanya anak2 banget biarpun gambarnya kawaii tapi gw tidak sukaaaa…………… kiraiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Rasa2nya ini ada di SCTV yah?? Pemeran utamanya bernamaaaa ICHIGO (=strawberry) yang ceritanya mirip2 sama Sailor Moon.. dimana dia akan ketemu sama soldiersnya satu persatu dengan cerita yang sama nggak masuk akal`nya……….. eheks…..
MUAAAAAAAAAAAA I LIKEEEEE DIS STORRRRREEEEEEEE….. pokonya tentang 2 orang sahabat (bisa dibilang gitu ngga ya?) yang sampe saat ini masi jomblo aje n selalu ditolak sama cowo2… n biasanya mereka punya selera yang sama… terus pas diundang kepesta umm apa yah.. mungkin bisa dibilang kayak blind date kali yah.. di karaoke box gitu mereka harus ketemu sama FREAK n weirdo dari sekolah laen.. yang notabene GAK NAPSUIN BOOOOOOO…. Pas mereka dah putus asaaaa, akhirnya dunno how come….. mereka masuk keruangan dimana ada 2 cowo keren lagi nyanyi.. dari situ mereka kenalan n berlanjutttttt.. hehehehehe dimana letak serunya?? Persaingan masi berlangsung loh padahal dah dapet satu satu…. Mereka tarohan siapa yang bisa ciuman lebih dulu… hehehe so kinky yah….
OMOMOOOO ini asli lucu bangeeeeeet.. gw sukaaaaa sekaaaaaaliiiiiiiii.. jadi ada 1 cw yang tinggal didesa gitu deh… terus tiba2 dateng nenek2 yang ngaku mantan pacar kakeknya.. n minta cucunya untuk kawin sama cucu si nenek ini.. si TOKO ini males dong… terus dah gitu sama ni nenek mau ditenggelemin desa`nya.. (well this grams have a lot of money!) akhirnya… dibawalah si TOKO ini ke rumah si nenek… dia pikir.. OK JUGA NI GW BELON PUNYA COWO MANA TAU CAKEP DLL…. N jrengggg taunya cucu si nenek ini kembarrrr….. n dua2nya sangat menggodaaaaa… akhirnya si nenek kasih test buat cucu2nya ini supaya bisa dapetin si TOKO….
Hmm gw rasa yang bisa gw review segitu doang….. banyak banget n there’s so many unnecessary story… tapi udah gak sabar lagi nih nunggu nakayoshi 3…. Hehehe n it supposed to be at market like THIS MONTH!!!! Yayyyyyyyy
Huahhhhh pengen buru2 pulangggggg nih.. pengen buru2 pulang ke home sweet homeeee angsaaaanaaaa…………. I WANNA GO HOMEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! NOWWWWWWWW?????????? Dirumah ada cablevisionnnn… ada internet cableeeee… laluuuuu laluuuuu laluuuuuu ada kamar baaaaruuuuu…syalalallalalalalaaaaa
Oh iyaaaa.. mau add new pics… diambil waktu Ujian Strategi Persuasi pake hapenya Tika….
It’s Alex “unGimbal anymore”~OeN “the cutest eveeeer”~Gail “purple lover
oen has left the building |
Thursday, November 06, 2003
All i really need is a long-nice-lux holiday..
HUah.. all i really need is a long-nice-lux holiday.. why long? becoz i've tired already and fed up with all this losing power ritual.. unfortunately, the next holiday will take time abouttt.... only 2 weeks.... WHAT!!??#%#$^!& ONLY 2 WEEKSSSSSSSS?@!@$&%^!!!! yes.. only 2 weeks.. n then we got stuck in that damn ritual again for about 2 weeks and here ya go that Xmas n new year holiday!!! it's like.... GAAAAAGRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHh!!! what 2 weeks mean so much for us anyway?? WE WANT HOLIDAYYYYYY!!!! -_-#
Hmm.. i found this in someone's blog just now.. actually i don't even know him at all.. apologyyyy and thanks anyway for the notes... (hey, i got the whole year article.. want your month? just email me and i'll reply with the article of your month.. ok?) Here's the article about my faboulous month..
Abstract thoughts. am i that conceptual???
Loves reality and abstract. yessss.. but i love daydreamland too..
Intelligent and clever. this is a REAL compliment!geez.. thankssss
Changing personality. am i??
Temperamental. mwakakakakaa am i????
Quiet, shy and humble. Quiet? ehm.. everybody knows what i'm like!! Shy?in fact.. true! humble? wahahhaa thankssss
Honest and loyal. hmm okay.....
Determined to reach goals. true!
Loves freedom. aiyooooo!!this is SO TRUE!!!!
Rebellious when restricted. OMG it's me banget banget banggggetttt!!
Loves aggressiveness. me loves agressiveness????? hmm lemme think.. i guess a bit..
Too sensitive and easily hurt. true..
Showing anger easily. yesssss
Dislike unnecessary things. mwakakakakakakak justru like unnecessary things banget!!! hwahhahahakakka
Loves making friends but rarely shows making friends-> true.. rarely shows it? hmm am i??
Daring and stubborn. Daring?? menantang? mwaakakaka stubborn?? BETUL BANGEt!!!!
Ambitious. yes
Realizing dreams and hopes. hey! i thought i just said that just now!!!!
Sharp. sharp? hmm..
Loves entertainment and leisure. banget.. need it badly everytime!!!!
Romantic on the inside not outside. it'll be better if said here "romantic on everyside" wahahahha.. no.. i can't act normally.. i guess this is definetely right..
Superstitious and ludicrous. HEY!! who said i'm superstitious!? ludicrous? i just seek it in online dictionary and it says "comical" or "ridiculous".. mwakakakkaaka "OTAKU" sejatiiii boooooo!!!!!! konyol?? thanks a bunch! i wonder who write this anyway? ^^
Spendthrift. compulsive shopper?? gila belanja?????? wahahahhahaha ada hubungannya nih sama "like unnecessary things" hahahahaha i always buy something unimportant...
Learns to show emotions. i always show my emotion..... agak2 nggak ngerti sama konteks kalimat ini hehehehehe
OH WHAT A FUN TO SEE WHAT INSIDE THE ARTICLE BOUT MY MONTH!! hahahaha n ternyata emang ada benernya biarpun banyak juga salahnya! hehehhehe sapa yang buat yah ni artikel? gak ada kerjaan sekaleeeeeeee.. hehehehhehe.. maybe he/she's a fortune teller and my suggestion is get a job at teen magazine.. you'll spend lotsa money there!!!!! ^^ just kiddo..
MENGHITUNG HARI MENUJU KEPULANGANKU KE ANGSANAAAAAA!! horeeeee ^^ i'm extremely delighted bout thaaaat!!!! yayyy yayyyyyy i'm going homeeee immidiately!!!!! yayyyyy!! oh can't wait to see my new room!!!! yippeeeeeeee!!! well i think it's time to go now... before day's going darken n darkkkennnnn....
Things to do:
-bayar ci nita cepekceng! oh lupa terusssss syayayallallala
-bayar retret PD.. humm yakin ikutkah??????
-beberes barang!!!
-buat diary baru! A5.. terus jangan lupa punya ollaaaaa 50 lembar!
-new layout of this blog!
-prepare any good words about birthday for MARCELL.......... ehekssss
-OMG i want TV for my new room!
-new sneakers...... either pink or bleu.. cannot decide it nowwwww hikssss
-i want want want that kipling bag in pinkkkk!!
-a ticket for a-whole-life-lux shopping!! mwakakakakakkaka tujuan utama mungkin KINOKUNIYA and METRO!!!!! kalo dikasih budget lebih mungkin mendingan nunggu SPORE BIG SALE mwakakakkakka
-new cellphone... pleaseeeeee!!!! (wandering how much will people pay for my old 8250 with shocking BOCEL-BOCEL at the casing........ erghhhh..)
-i want an mini MP3 playerrrrrr!!!! (should i ask daddy or santa?)
-could somebody gives me a little job plz.. need money money moneeey!!!(and santa says, "how about switching RUDOLF's place becoz his nose is terribly red and deep with flu?? i'll pay you what you want.." OMOMOMOOOOO if that happenssss i think i'm gonna ask for...... MARCELL's LOVE!!! gaaahahahhaahhaahhh *pletak pletak diri sendiri*)
Whoa.. that's so plenty................
*dengan suara yang lembut n manja....*
oen has left the building |