Friday, October 31, 2003


I'm getting real bored with this situation.. everything!!!! dari mulai keluar masuk WC.. sampe keadaan feeling gw... it's like killing me inside to have this kinda feeling..... aaaaaaaarghhhh... pengen marah2... huhhhh somebody kill me please???? pleaseeee???? just shoot me or something!! !@$!#%@#$%#!!!!


Oh yah.. kemaren2 emang udah bisa lupa gitu kan.... about this guy thing.. tapi nggak ngerti kenapa.. suddenly beberapa hari ini CRINGGGGG remains lagi diotak gw dan tentunya di hati gw.... strange, huh?? yah tentunya semuaaaa remains... dari LAGU YANG DIA NYANYIIN.. LAGU YANG DIA BIKIN UNTUK GW.. EVERYTHING!!! duhhhhh makanya somebody please kill me??????

Oh yah.. i'll be back in Sunday... mau pegi RETRET KEP neh.. (akhirnyaaaaa kelar juga kep`nyaaaaaa!!!!! lulus nggak yahhhhhh????) Miss me bebeee!!!! hehehehe be back with another girly stories about ma feelin kali yahhhhh.. hehehehe.. oh yah sebelon gua lupa....


HUah..... ya sudah kalo gitu mau siap2 pegi......

I think i'm so damn lucky to have this situation.....
............................. lucky am i?????
Lucky, eh??????

huahhhhh okeeee see ya all later........ i think i wanna blow up my brother before it's going too late and found that the FU**** bus has left me........... okeeeeeee love ya all..... mwaaaaachhhhhh!!! see yaaaaa GBU

oen has left the building |

Saturday, October 18, 2003

SATC lurver….

Ok deeeeh…. Kemaren malem pas niat pengen bobo pasang tepe…dannnn SATC is happeningggg!!! Hehe langsung seneng n nonton.. sayangnya dah stengah maen jadi agak2 gak mudeng juga.. hohoho yang gw tonton Cuma pas Carrie kesel sama Mr.Big, her date… coz he even don’t wanna sign the card together (bener gak yah), gak mau slowdance, en yg paling bikin bete.. he received a phone call when carrie was reading the poem.. btw.. the poem’s nice.. simple tapi ngena.. yg gw gak ngerti bagian`nya si Charlotte… hmm… well.. mereka suddenly cabs dari kamar penganten yang notabene mereka “pake” (eh gak tau juga kamar penganten bukan) n the guy really2 sucks waktu si Charlotte dansa sama bokapnya n dipegang aja dulu pantatnya sama bokapnyaaaaa…… en pas protes berat ehhh tiba2 cowo ini ngambek n ninggalin Charlotte…. Hel-lo?? “is that 4-5 hours means nothing to you?????” repeat after Charlotte.. well sebagian besar cowo DOES thinks like that…. “yang rugi kan bukan cowo” yahh… WHATEVER!!!~

Hey.. Carrie’s dress was soooo beautiful…. And I’m dead into it….

Oh iyahhhhh hari ini harusnya gw perang di mangga 2.. tapi mommy refuse me to go with her….. huhhhhh alesannya kesian dede sendirian.. padahal gw dah bolos neh!! Huhhh…yahhh paling ngga gw ga usah keluar rumah bukan?? Setelah kemaren gw ke pasar baru… here’s a lil note.. about apa aja seeehh yang gw taksir kemaren….
1. Converse biru muda… (biarpun kemaren gak ada tapi gw yakin banget disalah satu retail pasti ada!!!!! Oh yah sneakers yang selop… hmm.. yang biasa jg ok!!)
2. Sketchers yang pinkyyyy.. OMG it’s like soooo irresistible to me!!! slurpeeee..
3. Piero.. hmm sebenernya gak gitu suka.. tapi pink`nya lucu abieeeeessss
4. Sendal yang apa tuh yah merk`nya.. tapi pink…. Oh yah kayak cc Yoshe punya sendal…
Enuff about shoes sekarang kita beralih keeeee…….
1. Cardigans pinkkk pinkkkk….
2. Pengen kacamata yang frame item tebel tapi kotak….
3. Pengen sendal jepit neh.. mengingat sendal nikmat gw dah damaged.. hik hik..
4. Celana jeans.. (lagi?)

Hmmmm why there’s so many things I want to buy while no money…. Sob sob… huk huk……………

1. playboy kabel..
2. typo nyicil dong!

Oh ok deeeeeh… nyicil is the best word to motivate me… abis ini coklat lagi ahhh.. sekarang sih lagi makan kripik pedes hehehe… ancur gak sih perut lama2….. kemaren abis makan kripik pedes.. kremes.. Kentucky.. mangga asem plus bumbu rujak`nya.. terus malem makan konyaku… ampir kita makan otak-otak, tahu gejrot dan cakwe….. hehehehe.. sinting…… oh yahhh ampir lupaaaa kemaren dimobil while macet banget sempet maen pancasila 5 dasar dengan kategori MOBIL!! Dari yang basi n wu liao abis akhirnya kita bisa ketawa ketiwi juga yaa.. hehehe quite fun juga… hehehe it’s a really nice afternoon, indeed… biarpun the traffic jam part bikin eheks……next time ayo kita ngejarah mangga2… ato tanah abang???? Hehehehe……..

Dah dulu ah… pengen nyantai neh sebelon kerjain typo.. n maybe mau cek email juga…. Sooo jyaaaaa mata!!!!

oen has left the building |

This is a lil note of Oct17th 2003.. when the internet definitely down for a while..
Addicted to you…

Whoaaaa.. judulnyaaaaa….. eheks… yes, I’m definitely addicted to chocolate.. (toss sama tikaaaaa) setelah kemaren gw cari-cari cokelat…dan yippe!! Ditempat persembunyian a.k.a kulkas bagian dalem gw masi banyak coklat pribadi yang notabene emang bukan buat dimakan orang laen!!!! Hohoho… langsung menjamah bagian dalammm.. dannnn… jrengggg.. nyam nyamm….. M n M’s ludes…. Hahhh setelah hati senang….kemaren nonton sampe malem… (soalnya takut coklatnya abis.. n sakit gigi) terusss tadi pagi.. alias just now…. (siang itu mah yah???) langsung HASRAT INGIN COKLAT`NYA kluar lagi.. eheks…. Akhirnyaaaaa jrengggg2.. sebelon sakaw gw langsung buru2 ke kulkas lagi kucluk kucluk n…. finding a bar of RICHTER SPORT yang almondddd… slurrrrpeee…nyamnyam…. Enakkk….. well, dari kasus gw dah ketauan banget kalo mang bener COKLAT itu :
1. Buat hati senanggg… kayak NARKOBA…
2. most likely NARKOBA (again)….. gila addictive bener…

ehm.. speaking about addictive thing… shopping gila-gila`an juga termasuk sth addictive buat gw kalo lagi bete… hmm.. maksudnya bukan shopping yang baju… sepatu.. ato yang gede-gede nan mahal itu yah…. Tapi barang2 kecil nan lucu.. hihihi kayak boneka kelinci n anjing yang kemaren baru gw beli.. setelah dipikir2 lagi sih emang PATUT ditanyakannn… lagi2 buang duit untuk hal yang “APAKAH ADA GUNANYA?” pletak pletak diri sendiri..

speaking about shopping… ollaaaaa just called me and ask me out with shelvi juga apakah oen mau ikut ke pasar baru? Horeeee… buat gw itu kayak suatu PANGGILAN.. hehehe jduk jduk inget duit di ATM sekarat! Yah apa salahnya liat-liat dan mungkin dapet obralan yang menyenangkan? DUH BUT I WANT THAT CONVERSE SO BAD!! Gimana dong???? Apakah mommy mau membelikan untukku???? Let’s see…

Speaking about beli membeli…… gw pengen banget ganti henpon dimana henpon gw yang ini dah mulai bapuk batrenya…..(n off course waktu dijual nanti bilangnya BATRENYA MASIH TOKCER BERAT n NOTHING EVER COMPLAINED ABOUT THIS CELLPHONE…..hohohoho) uh pengen gw banting…. Masa baru kemaren dicharge hari ini dah tinggal 3.. emosi kan?? N sometimes susah dapet signal… Apakah daddy mau menggantikan hp`ku?? We’ll see.. hehehe….

About that guy.. eheks.. nothing to be spoken… since the truth revealed kayanya WOW TUHAN JAWAB DOAku JELAS SEKALI…. Dann.. gw ilfil plus plus gitu.. plus marah.. plus kecewa.. plus EHEKS… hello?? It’s so obvious that THERE’S SO MANY GUYS OUTTHERE BETTER THAN HIM BANGET BANGET.. n gw deserve a lot better than him…kemaren juga sempet ngobrol sama koko angkat gw yang yea he’s damn right…. Here’s some transcript.. yang kira2 kaya gini deh..
OeN (O) : Gila.. ini yang rugi bukan gw…….. tapi dia banget!!!! Gw terlalu baik untuk dia…… (sambil nyengir kuda) wah.. pd juga yah gw….. (nyengir kuda`nya tambah lebar)
Koko (K) : hmm.. nggak terlalu pd kok.. sometimes kita harus kayak gitu… dan nyatanya elu emang terlalu baek untuk digini`in sama dia… guys like this? Tendang aja jauh2!!!!
OeN : …..(silent)…. (mikir: YES.. I AM TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE FOR HIM!!!)

Ngerasa kesepian setelah “ditinggal” ??? NGGAK BANGET!!! Justru bikin IDUP MAKIN IDUP!!!! Hehehehe kayak losta masta yah? Why?? Karena gw emang keilangan bezfren gw… tapi HEY… (kayak yg gw bilang tadi) I DESERVE BETTER!!!! Dan nyatanya… mati satu tumbuh seribu banget!!! Gw jadi punya kakak kakak yang baik banget n mau dengerin cerita gw…. Apa tuh namanya kalo bukan SO MUCH FUN?? Thanks guys.. you all are sooo nice to meeeee…. Thanks for being such nice brothers… n buat gw itu nambah FUN lagiii… soalnya dengan SIFAT GW YANG BEGINI.. gw surely butuh tenaga2 untuk buat gw ngerasa nyaman n dilindungi… ennn dengan sifat gw yang childish n UNMATURE banget gw hepi berat dapet kakak kakak yang sayang sama gw…hehehehehe thanks a lot guysssss……….. tapi gw jadi bertanya2….. hmm KAPAN GW DEWASANYA YAH???? Kalo kata Alex sih.. “Waktu akan menjawab semuanya…” hehehehe

Hmm.. nyam2 gewls… beritanya nyusul yahhhh.. hehehehehe gail sama evy dah diceritain sih.. nanti deh later yah.. gw kudu siap2 neh.. mau blanje2 cari2 obralan hihihi… have a nice days all…. GBU….

Things to do rapidly:
1. bayar retret KEP
2. daftar retret PD
3. balikin buku ART DECO
4. minta papa transferrrrr!!!! arghhhhh
5. tugas typo 12 biji kartu nama!!!! (dateline=senen)
6. tugas DKV 2 layout baru!!! (dateline=selasa)
7. karaoke?? Hehhehehehe
8. nyicil beberes barang yah.. dah mau pindahan lagi nih…

Kok banyak yahhhh?????

oen has left the building |

Sunday, October 12, 2003

the Quote of the day.. “WHY SHOULD I CARE..” yeaaa!!!
this is another BIG THANKS for Avril…. you rulezzzz!!! It’s just like HEY.. THIS SONG IS DEFINETELY ME!!! and OMG that is sooo trueeee!!!!! (sounds like Lizzie McGuire, eh?) hmm.. another WU LIAO afternoon… after having a “waterfall” last nite.. hahahaah it felt like…. Yeaaaahhhhh at last!!!! All’ve been stucked here popped out like like….. ooohhh I even couldn’t say what it like!!! Overall.. it feels better than before.. and all I can say is… “THANKS JESUS…. YOU ROCKS!” I was thinking to have a happy marry NIAGARA FALLS all this month…. But the feeling suddenly vanish after doa pagi this morning… hmm… and I choose a song that we both really keen on… ok.. WE DID…. Maybe…. Hmm here’s some of the lyrics….

Dekat padaMu.. itu rinduku…
Setiap kataku, Kaupun menunggu
Tak kusangka, kutemukan.. satu Kasih yang abadi
Kini kudatang, dan kubawa hidupku…

Memandang wajahMu
Mengikuti kebaikanMu
Mengejar hadirMu
Didalam hidupku

Membawa sembahku
Menyatakan kebesaranMu
Mengejar hadirMu
Didalam hidupku…

Well.. I guess I decided to typed all of the lyics.. heheheh when I sang this song this morning, I didn’t cry.. well ok, maybe a lil sob.. but that’s just it… and when the moment I used BAHASA ROH, I was crying out loud… if we translated into human language maybe it would be sounds like this, “huuuu Otoosannnn….. kono kanji ga daikiraii desssuuuuuu!!!! Itai itai itaiiiii… honto honto ni itaiiiiiiii deesuuuuu…. Huuu….. huuuu…” hehhe gak ada yg ngerti juga yah hehehe maksudnya “huuu.. DADDY… I really hate this feelingggg…. It hurts hurst hurts hurtttttttts.. really really hurts!!! Huuuu huuuu” and now.. soon I’ll recover… n until this moment I typed this entry... what my bro’ve said to me last nite still remains… “Menurut elu.. Tuhan itu adil nggak setelah kejadian kaya gini??Kalo menurut elu Tuhan itu adil.. stop crying.. you supposed to laugh and be happy!!!!” and (once again..) OMG that’s so true!!!!! Yah… mungkin gw masih agak2 sedih… yahh what he’ve done to me was soooo sweet and everything was so perfect…and now when it’s definitely gone.. sapa yang gak bakalan sedih coba.. it’s like someone moves your cheese..and you need adjustment to handle it… time recovers everything…

Gaaaaaahhhh!!!!! It feels NOT GENKI when you have to loose something you care about.. but that’s ok… it’s definitely ok for me… bukan karena gw sering disakitin.. tp well gw berusaha nganggep ini jadi bagian dari proses pengINDAHan diri gw by Daddy… yeah, beberapa hari lalu I thought everybody’s gone.. I born to be left behind.. tapi NGGAK.. Daddy’s here… nobody born to be left behind.. coz our life’s surely a priceless thing for God.. maacih Daddy… thanks for always loving and caring me… maybe I disappointed coz You’ve taken the precious one from me.. but I know.. You’ll replaced that with lots of fun… lots of more and more precious thing for me… and Thanks for giving me a quite shocking answer.. biarpun jawabanMu cukup menyakitkannn akuu.. tapi aku jadi tau.. kalo emang bukan dia yang terbaik.. dan dia bukan orang yang pantes dapetin aku… I know You’re preparing something really2 sweet and nice for me… n pastinya lebih baik daripada dia…

Oh yah.. I’m leaving this house about maybe 1 months.. Haaaaaaaa seneng benerrrr so gw ga harus jauh2 kalo mau ke kampus.. hore hore horeeeeee… n kalo mau kemana2 lebi gampang ajaaaaa kannnn… horeeee horeeeeee hmm.. tapi kinda sad juga sih… huah… aduh jadi feel un-genki lagi deh…..

"It was this house that brought me & him together...
And also at this same house, my love ends."

Duh.. this would be the saddest sentence I’ve ever typed… I’ve ever said.. and I’ve ever think about… poof.. back one last month.. everything doin just fine.. kalo gw ngebayangin sms terakhir kita kemaren.. duh.. painful banget.. I miss the old times… sms cela2an.. gutnite greetings… pletakan pletakan…. Huah.. all the nice things deh!!!

”Jangan ngebut!!!!”
“why?” (pake senyum nakal.. siyaaal toeng toenggggg pletakkkkk)
“don’t ask why.. it’s none of your business”
“why?” (pletakkkkk tak takkkkkk)

Hum.. well enuff for today…. Hehehe look if I can stop blabbering!!! Gila bocor benerrrrr hehehhee harusnya mungkin ini blog cukup untuk 5 sampe 6 entry tapi oen’s only fits 3 entry haahhahaa.. gilaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Hmm… these sad times are so damn precious for me.. this’ll help me out someday… after this entry’s closed.. I wish this feelings closed either.. I want you to know.. you’ve hurt me.. so bad.. I can’t even feel my fingers when I cried last nite.. just STOP doin’ that to others.. I can’t say whether I mad at you or not now… I’m disappointed… very very disappointed…. We started it with love and caring… but too bad, we have to end this with hate, anger, and tears….so long…have a nice life…. Hope your life would be better when I’m not around.. coz I hope that either…

Honto ni aitai desu.. aitakata desu… sorekara… jya nee?

oen has left the building |

Losing Grip

Are you aware of what you make me feel, baby
Right now I feel invisible to you
Like I’m not real
Didn’t you feel me lock my arms around you
Why’d you turn away
Here’s what I have to say

I was left to cry there
Waiting outside there
Grinning with a lost stare
That’s when I decided


Am I just some chick you placed beside you
To take somebody’s place

When you turned around
Can you recognize my face?
But that wasn’t the case
Everything wasn’t ok

Crying out loud..
I’m crying out loud..
Crying out loud..
I’m crying out loud..
(Open your eyes.. Open up wide..)


::Big big thanks for Avril Lavigne.. Rock on, Rock on sis! Peace out!::

oen has left the building |

Thursday, October 09, 2003

Roses are red and violets are blue.. there’s so many tears I shed and that’s becoz of you!!

lumayan kan judulnya? Hehehe well I like anything in the same rhyme… humm… well THANKS GOD gw dah bisa ngocol lagi.. seneng deh… dah bisa HOHO HEHE lagi….dah keluar lagi bawel en nyebelinnya….. hehehe kemaren juga kayanya THINGS SO DAMN PERFECT… tapi pas ketemu dia… hmm agak2 aneh… n duh kok kaya orang ga kenal gitu.. yaaahh itu terlalu didramatisir she kalo bilang KAYA GAK KENAL.. masih ngomong.. tapi kaya yang aneh gitu de…. Well gw Cuma bisa hargain apa yang dia rasa bagus buat diri dia n gw… but the strange feelings popped out lagi… n I don’t think I can handle it…. Huuu jadinya agak2 gak enak juga.. sampe akhirnya ko enat tlp n ngajakin KTV di MM PLUIT… horeeee senengnyaaaaa.. tapi akhirnya peginya Cuma 4-an doang.. sama ko ais n antomat… terus KTV di hepi pupi.. lumayan stressnya kekikis juga… terus malemnya kita ngelayat papanya TOTO yang baru aja passed away.. I’m very sorry to hear that…semoga papanya Toto diterima disisi Tuhan Allah kita…. n Tuhan pasti kasi kekuatan buat Toto untuk ngelanjutin hari2nya lagi.. Amin….. hmm terusss pulang2 langsung mandi n bobo.. tepar banget!!

Today…. Hmm hari ini lumayan juga.. bangun dlm keadaan sangat2 ENAK!! Biar agak2 ngantuk tp TIME MOVES SO SLOW waktu gw tidur.. hehehe seneng deh! Pas ngintip eh baru jam steng 8…. Lha kok ga bunyi2 yah alarm`nya.. ehh pas ngiintip lagi baru jam steng 8 lwt 10.. hihihih.. teruss.. hari ini pake baju ORANGE en sendal KUNING.. jepit rambut KUNING.. silau? Lumayaaaan.. datengnya telat pulaaaa hehehehe… terus beli MIIKO baru…….. terus tadi pas DESIGN DESKTOP.. gw agak2 bete juga sih.. gak tau kenapa… pokonya yang gw bilang itu… THE STRANGE FEELINGS POPPED UP AGAIN…..terus tuh yang rasanya gak enakkkk banget… n I guess this might be a BAD FEELINGS………….dan emang biasanya happens kalo gw dah punya feeling kaya gitu… makanya gw makin stress n males…….. huaaaa sekarang gw lagi sibuk mikir.. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN NEXT?? n nobody can figure it out… even myself….

My feelings…. Hari ini gw ngerasa… AITAKATA sekale…. Gw pengen banget ngobrol sama dia…. Well my friends are SO GREAT.. mereka temen2 yang baek banget n supporting me day n nite… tapi ada sth yang missing dari diri gw.. tentang ini… rasanya sebenernya segala sesuatunya OK OK aja…. Tapi gw ga ngerti kenapa kok rasanya aneh… duh coba dipikir dan ditimbang…. OEN KOK BISA KAYA GINI.. siyalll ini she dah maen feeling… mungkin ini salahnya to love somebody, to care about somebody to the bone…. (love disini bukan mencintai.. tapi mengasihi) huh…. Yah kalo kata orang2.. untuk bisa jadi orang yang dewasa.. kita harus ngelewatin proses.. proses.. dan lagi2 proses…. n this is not even a little of that kinda process… OK GOD.. WHAT KIND OF PROCESS WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO HAVE AFTER THE LOUSY FREAKIN BIG MAMA’S BOY??? Waktu itu aja dah berat banget…. Hik hik God.. remind me that nothing You and I can’t handle together… mungkin someday gw bisa jadi orang yang bener2 KEBAL soal hurting n to be hurted…. Maybe I can be a counselor?? Hehehe

Speaking about process….. yah lama2 gw jg bakalan pulih… sekali lagi.. THINGS ARE SO DIFFERENT WITH YOU…… n THINGS ARE SO MUCH DIFFERENT TOO WITHOUT YOU…. Things are never be the same again… EVER…. Sedih? Iya lah.. mungkin gw sering banget denger “udahlah… nanti u jg dapet bestfriend yang lebih ok lagi.. lebih ngertiin elu lagi.. lebih segala2nya deh….. n u can be proud of them..” tapi buat gw… even he hurts me back out there…. Well who knows… tetep aja dia temen gw.. n gw pernah ngerasain gimana rasanya MUSUHAN.. gw dah pernah rasanya DITUSUK DARI BELAKANG sama bestfriend gw…. Tapi gw ga pengen kaya gitu lagi… gw bener2 ga pengen…that’s why gw ngerasa sedih banget kalo gw sampe keilangan temen bae gw lagi… Trust me, it doesn’t feel very nice… huk huk.. duhhh gw jadi pengen nangis lagi…… Hope things will be alright…

“Yeah.. bestfriends…..”

oen has left the building |

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

apa loe!?%$&

Yeaaaa yeaaaaaa.. I just hate the world today…… kenapa?? Huah I don’t know myself……gw Cuma bete…. n gw rasa all of you know about that….. when things are sooooo different with him.. when things are more different without him…. I just can’t handle myself…. I can’t control my emotion……I can’t bear myself out of this grave…. Ga bisa boong gw sedih.. ga bisa mungkir gw kesel…. Gw emosi… I just wanna cry myself a river……………. Hik hik hikkkk there’s somebody out there know how to help me??

Maybe you don’t know how I feel….
Maybe you don’t know what’s inside me..
But you just come out from your own closet
And that’s what you look like….
I know I’m not bloody perfect
I know you’re so way up there
I know I’m so damn annoying
And I don’t know how to tell you..
I don’t hate and I don’t like you either..
But I’m so sorry for you
I’m so sorry for myself
And I’m so sorry for the world today..

I hate the world today’s not because you’re definitely hurting me.. but it’s all because I’m sooooo stupid not to see the reality through myself… have a really nice song for this situation.. n pas gw nyanyi ada satu hal yg selalu gw lakuin…. Yea.. saying “SIYALLL” every single phrase…. Bwahahahaa…. I miss the old OeN.. I miss my very own OeN.. the little strong girl… the girl with attitude… I miss that kind of nickname… OK I HAVE TO GET UP!! JUST WAIT N SEE THE RETURN OF OEN.. I’ll be back soon… pasti.. paling nggak kan.. WITH OR WITHOUT YOU.. bukannya “I can’t live” tapi “I CAN LIVE… WITH OR WITHOUT YOU……” yea…. Nice… feel much better now? Yea…. Need a vacation?? TETEP…………. Hehehehhee anybody mau bayarin gw ke Jepang??

It’s OK~Atomic Kitten
I remember all the nights I used
to stay at home,
On the phone, all night long,
used to talk about the things
we'd really wanna do,
I believed in you,

I remember how you used to say,
Have no fear, It'll be ok,
When you told me anything you
want is possible,
we could have it all.

I believed in you,
I must have been a fool,
All my dreams where with


I say it's ok,
I can't promise you it's
alright, you ain't keeping
me up all night, no more,
You're not here but it's ok,
I assure you, babe, it's
alright, you ain't keeping me
up all night, no more,
You're not here but it's ok.

Well, now you got to where you
wanted like I knew you would,
Cash, car, house,
It's all good,
As to why you never come around
here no more,
Like you did before.

You got it all thats the
way it seems,
looks like you,
with your dream,
better hope you life had
turned out for the better now,
when I'm not around.

I believed in you,
I must have been a fool,
All my dreams where with


I say it's ok,
I can't promise you it's
alright, you ain't keeping
me up all night, no more,
You're not here but it's ok,
I assure you, babe, it's
alright, you ain't keeping me
up all night, no more, (no more)
You're not here but it's ok.

Its all right, it's okay [x3]
That you're not here with me

Its all right, it's okay [x3]
That you're not here with me


I say it's ok,
I can't promise you it's
alright, you ain't keeping
me up all night, no more,
You're not here but it's ok,
I assure you, babe, it's
alright, you ain't keeping me
up all night, no more, (no more)
You're not here but it's ok.

Its all right, it's okay [x3]
That you're not here with me

Its all right, it's okay [x3]

You're not here but its ok.

Special thanks to:
God.. The One and Only Jesus Christ to make this happened…
Nyam nyam gewls.. thanks a bunch gewls…. Love ya…
Oo Cink Cink.. thanks bro….
Qucapcay… thanksssssss
Iyank… thx dah nyariin gw lewat smsnya…
Semua pihak yang merasa direpotkan.. tapi ga merasa ketulis disini.. hehehe…
And the last…. For YOU.. thanks for everything.. for all the things we’ve had together… for the fun and joy we’ve shared.. for the tears and shoulder we’ve spent.. thanks.. thanks.. thanks.. bye…

oen has left the building |